Examination Errors/Guidelines are all listed for you. Also, preparing to write any examination and you are searching for things you should never do before exams I welcome you to this page where you will get to figure out the lastest development on Examination Errors/Guidelines
Meanwhile, will be revealing some very important helpful secrets that you never think of will preparing for exams, every student have there own style of preparing for exam but the question now is what you are doing is it necessary to come out in flying colours or pass any Examination your may be writing. This update will it help you to achieve your aim? Keep reading for more Juicy details on Examination Errors/Guidelines.
7 Things You Should Never Do Before Exams
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7 Examination Errors/Guidelines – Things You Should Never Do Before Exams
There have been Some of this things you should never do can make you to fail examination such as, WAEC, NECO and JAMB if you do not stop refrain from it. Keep reading for more details please;
1. Never think of cheating during exam
If you are preparing for any examination I will advice you to remove any thought of cheating from your mind because cheating in the examination hall is risky, if any invigilator see you doing expo oh! You might end of filling malpractice form.
Not only that, you might end up putting your school into trouble if any external supervisor caught you cheating during exam, to be in a safe side remove such thought from your mind before exam.
2. Never depend on friends
Friends can fail, never depend on them, some times we depend on our intelligent friends and forget about studying before the exam, but what if reverse is the case where by that your friend is been tranfered to another position that is far away from you, what will you do?
Nothing! Most times even if the friend is sitting close beside you he/she will cover his/her answer booklet so that you will not see it, if you try telling him/her to tell you some he/she will tell you the wrong answer that is different from his/her own or look for one stupid excuse and give you.
Study and prepare your self very well for the journey, the road only look too far but once you study the road very well it is close, just that you are not ready to suffer and get what you need.
get ready to pay the price now! by studying hard or end up been stranded on the road.
3. Do not turn on the TV
Turn off every TV of distraction around you, those distractive agent might be your friends, social media, watching Nigerian movies etc, stay away from unserious friends stay close to like minded people that will motivate you to study for the exam.
never login to social media to waste your time, rather join some active exam tutorial group and participate you will learn a lot from those group, avoid unnecessary chatting and commenting on different post that will not add value to you.
4. Do not deny yourself a good sleep
Most students fail to sleep simply because they are preparing for an exam, they read both day and night, sometimes at the end you will not understand even single topic after reading,
But when you read for some hours then when it’s time to sleep you sleep and wake up again and read you will understand more better then those that fail to sleep, sleep help you to think and store what you have studied in your long term memory.
5. Do not procrastinate
Later things is the phrase of procrastination, it has killed many students destiny, avoid postponing your reading time to later rather set a particular time for reading once it is that time rush straight to your reading table and start reading.
Never miss any time you are suppose to read to do unnecessary things, rather calm down and read first before you stand up and go on with other activities once u are tired of reading.
6. Do not try using new books at the last minute
Avoid picking up new book to study when exam is knocking on the door, it is better to use the books that you have been using before the exam timetable comes out, taking up new books might put you into state of confusion because you are already familia with the old book you have been going through those topics before then.
7. Do not compare your preparation with your friends
Stop comparing your friends preparation with yours before exam because you might end up loosing at the end, your friend might have covered up to ten topics and you are still in first topic once you start comparing you will be trying to meet up with them,
That will make you to start reading faster even if you do not understand the second topic you will not care and jump into the third one, I will advise you not to compete with anyone in terms of preparation, just calm down and prepare if it is only two topics that you are able to read and understand it is better than reading ten topics that you will not understand.
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Writer Information
Name: Usulor Godwin
URL : usulorinform.com